Second collections are a stewardship learning moment. As Catholics, we are part of a universal Church that extends well beyond our own parish boundaries. Jesus calls us to “make disciples of all nations” (Mt. 28:19). Each collection represents our community of faith at work. Through these collections, you support Church of the Annunciation and Our Lady Queen of Apostles pastoral work at home and around the world.
HOLY DAYS/HOLIDAYS:UTILITIES/Electricity and Fuel: Assist with the costs of heating and lighting the church, rectory, and parish center.
FLOWERS: To enhance the beauty of the church, to remember loved ones, and to give thanks for the people or events in our lives, the church and altar are adorned with flowers, plants, and other gifts from God's creation.
CEMETERY UPKEEP: Assist with the costs of maintaining the parish cemetery. i.e.: mowing, trash pick-up, etc.